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Commodity Production and Marketing

California farmers and ranchers grow an unmatched variety of food and farm products for people in the U.S. and worldwide. CCFB & CFBF seeks to improve the regulatory climate for marketing agricultural products.

CCFB & CFBF works with its members and other organizations to help people understand where their food comes from and to enhance confidence in California-grown products.


Food Safety and Modernization Act

The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA), signed into law in 2011, marks a significant change to the federal government’s role in ensuring a safe food supply for both humans and animals. Farmers and ranchers take great care in their obligation to provide consumers and animals with safe food and feed. There are areas of FSMA that are necessary, such as improving food safety protocols on food imports. However, CFBF has concerns about the sweeping nature of FSMA that will create a tremendous regulatory burden as the federal government attempts to micromanage food production.

Farm Bill

The Farm Bill authorizes for five years hundreds of federal farm programs and laws that aim to benefit agriculture and improve nutrition in the United States. Where the agricultural portion of the Farm Bill in previous decades mostly focused on five commodities, the Farm Bill now covers conservation, forestry, specialty crops, rural development, crop insurance, research and other areas critical to agricultural and rural life. The CFBF Federal Economy & Farm Policy Issue Advisory Committee is currently developing priorities for the future Farm Bill.


Background Photos provided by: Mitchell Yerxa. 

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