The Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization that represents and protects the farming and ranching way of life by influencing policy at all levels of government. Farm Bureau is committed to helping consumers understand where their food comes from, the challenges associated with producing a safe, affordable food supply and ensuring consumer confidence in California-grown products.
By joining the Colusa County Farm Bureau, you become apart of a local and state wide organization that is here to ensure that California’s agricultural heritage is maintained and protected!
What is Farm Bureau doing for you?
Working on key issues farmers face including:
Water - SGMA
Inner Coastal Range Conservancy
The future of farming families
Provided over $8,000 in local scholarships and Ag-related donations
Regulatory pressures
Hosts the Local Bounty Annual Fundraiser
CoSu Transmission Lines
Dirt Days - Two day Ag tour for educators
Benefits Include:
Farm Bureau Publications
Insurance Programs & Services
Agricultural Supplies, Business Services
Health Services
Vehicle Purchase & Rentals
Travel & Entertainment Discounts
Propane Discount
Paint Discounts