Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
What does SGMA stand for?
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
What is Sustainable Groundwater Management (SGM)?
“Sustainable groundwater management” is the management and use of groundwater in a manner that can be maintained without causing undesirable results
What is SGMA about?
SGMA is a strategic plan that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) has created so that local agencies can adopt groundwater management plans while minimizing state intervention.
Why do we need Sustainable Groundwater Management?
We need SGMA because the state depends heavily on groundwater as a major portion of our annual water supply. Local control and management of GSP’s is very important, because it will benefit each regions economic and environmental needs. Each groundwater basin has unique characteristics which is why it is important we keep it managed at the local level.
What will SGMA do?
SGMA requires local agencies to draft plans to bring groundwater into balanced levels of pumping and recharge.
Let’s protect our water rights!
Groundwater is vital to California and supplies over a third of the water Californian’s use, and as much as 60% or more in some areas during times of drought.
“A central feature of these bills is the recognition that groundwater management in California is best accomplished locally. Local agencies will now have the power to assess the conditions of their local groundwater basins and take the necessary steps to bring those basins in a state of chronic long-term overdraft into balance.” –Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act:
Provides for sustainable management of groundwater basins.
Enhances local management of groundwater consistent with rights to use or store groundwater.
Establishes minimum standards for effective, continuous management of groundwater.
Provides local GSA’s with the authority, technical, and financial assistance needed to maintain groundwater supplies.
Avoids or minimizes impacts for land subsidence.
Improves data collection and understanding of groundwater resources and management.
Increases groundwater storage and removes impediments to recharge.
Empowers local agencies to manage groundwater basins, while minimizing state intervention.